Friday, December 9

Near to Home!

WELL. As is typical, I will update you on my bed bug situation before anything else. After 5 weeks of torment, somebody with authority FINALLY took some pity on my poor poor self, and mostly removed me from the situation. This was probably also facilitated by the increasingly nasty emails I had been sending to anyone who would read them. Anyways, IFSA finally realized the severity of the situation, and offered me a room in their office in Notting Hill. A bunch of other kids live there, as well, and I was happy to have a bed to sleep in comfortably. I sort of…half moved in. I brought a bunch of clothes and toiletries and stuff, but I pretty much only sleep there. I share groceries and cooking stuff with people in my bedbug building, so I wasn’t inclined to completely move out. For the first few days sleeping at Notting Hill, I had the trippiest dreams because I was actually falling into a sleep deep enough to allow for dreaming. Mom told me I looked ten times after getting actual sleep. I’m not sure I want to know what I looked like before then.

And then a few days ago, I had a length conversation with bed bug man from bed bug company, and he persuaded me to sleep in bed bug room for one or two nights to assess the situation (aka see if I get bitten). Because he was so nice, and helpful, I did. And guess what! No bites….so far. So things are looking on the up.  HALLELUJAH.

HP Collectibles @ Harrod's
 Since I last posted, I have been to Scotland to visit Cassie!!! It was a super  spectacular trip, though quite short. I arrived Friday morning, and Dee  arrived Saturday morning. I loved Edinburgh with a passion until it sleeted on my while I was walking to the train station to leave. It was still gorgeous covered in snow. Such a dark, but friendly city. Hilly, which was a good workout, and also good because every view was stunning. We ate like A LOT of good food and did a lot of walking (so I felt better about the food). Cassie was a wonderful tour guide, so I tried to do the same for her and her friend Sophie when they came down to London! We went through all the big stuff—Big Ben, Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Picadilly Circus, Leicester Square, Harrods, museums, the Tower of London, etc. I was incredibly impressed with the amount they got done in like two days. I’m sure they’re exhausted.

Xmas Carnival from Across the Water
Not much else going on otherwise. Working on papers (ew), and soaking up as much of London as I can before it’s time to leave in less than two weeks. Outrageous. I went to the Christmas thingy in Hyde Park one night, which was so so amazing. It’s like a carnival/market covered in lights, with lots of food and rides and fun. I’ve also seen the Lion King, Wicked, and the Phantom of the Opera—all incredible, because….well, they’re great shows.

I’ll also mention how terrible it was not to be home for Thanksgiving. It was terrible. Not really all that bad. IFSA did a nice big dinner for us at a restaurant down by the river. It was yummy, and so considerate of them to acknowledge an American holiday. It was not, however, the same as being home with my family and eating the same meal we make very single year for Thanksgiving. I need some pumpkin pie ASAP. But no worries, we get to do it all over again while I’m home for Christmas! How lucky am I? I will kiss American ground when I land in a week or so. I’ve missed it very much.

